Instructional Excellence & Professional Learning

As professionals, we know that committing to ongoing teacher learning is the key to effective teaching practices that enhance student learning. At Canadian Rockies, our commitment to professional learning is defined by our vision, Inspiring Hearts & Minds, and framed by our Shared Vision of Learning, and the Teaching Effectiveness Framework. We are in the sixth year of our Nurturing Instructional Excellence Through Leadership Capacity project, in which teachers improve their practice collaboratively in the company of their peers. Our Lead Learners model effective teaching practices, support teacher teams as they design worthwhile work for learners, and lead evidence-based professional conversations.
The Educational Leadership Team, made up of our principals, assistant principals and senior administration, is focused on their own growth and professional learning by exploring the competencies within both the Leadership Quality Standard (LQS) and the Superintendent Leadership Quality Standard (SLQS) through case studies, learning tasks, conversation and reflection. The current focus on Nurturing Excellence in Instruction and Leadership (NEIL Inquiry), with the support of the Galileo Educational Network and the University of Calgary, is a means of strengthening practices for leading evidence-informed conversations with teachers.