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Professional Learning Calendar



District Days

Common Professional Learning for all teachers

School Based Professional  Learning (PL) Afternoons

School-based collaboration for Professional Learning that focuses on School Goals.  School Learning Days are designed to support improved student learning, performance and engagement by focussing on the Shared Vision of Instructional Excellence as part of school goals, IHM strategic directions and school 3 yr Education Plans.  These days are planned by individual schools in conjunction with their teachers, administrators and stakeholders and are reflective of their school goal(s) and learning plan.

PLN District Wide 

Teachers build Professional Learning Networks for personalized collaboration for professional growth.  Like School Learning Days they are designed to support student learning, performance and engagement by focusing on the Shared Vision of Instructional Excellence and the district 3 Year Plan.  These days are planned by teachers across school and support their Professional Growth Plans.  


Educational Leadership Team which is made up of school and district level administrators and managers.